Manual drainage-finishing table

A drainage-finishing table can be used to pre-press the curd and drain the whey and cut blocks that fit into a particular size of cheese mold.
The manual drainage-finishing table is made to fit to the capacity of curd in the cheese vat.
The curd can flow by gravity from the the cheese vat to the drainage-finishing table if the cheese vat is placed on a platform, or the curd can be pumped to the cheese vat with a special low speed curd pump.

Cheese vat, curd pump and manual drainage-finishing table

Small drainage-finishing table with pre-pressing plates

Pumping of the curd to the drainage-finishing table

Filling of the drainage-finishing table and raking of the curd

Pressing plates go on top of the curd to pre-press

Draining of the whey and cutting of the curd blocks

Filling of the cheese molds

Pressing the cheese molds

Easy way to clean the curd pump and tubing